Pulley lagging
1. Surface preparation
The environment temperature on working place must be from +10°C till +40°C. Relative humidity must be under 90%. Temperature of pulley surface must be 3°C higher than dev point.
Pulley surface: remove the old lagging, paint and primer. Clean the pulley surface using solvent Just-Bond MEK. Sand blast the entire pulley or use a grinder with buffing disk. Use bench brush to remove remaining particles from the surface. Don’t use oil-based solvents! Apply to the surface TRS Metal Primer (200 -300 g/m²). Allow to dry for 30-60 minutes.
Lagging: cut lagging strips with needed dimensions, to calculate dimensions use following formulas: strip width = width of pulley surface + 40-100 mm, strip length = (d+s)*3.14 (d – diameter of pulley, s – thickness of lagging). Buff the edges of pulley lagging using angle grinder. If the lagging doesn’t have a CN-layer, buff the bonding surface too. Remove remaining particles. Wipe the CN-layer with Just-Bond MEK.
2. Applying of glue
Prepare the glue by adding hardener in ratio 100:4 and mixing it (1 kg of cold bonding cement TRS 2002 new + 40 g of hardener TRS 1000 M).
Apply the first coat to the pulley surface, edges and bonding surface of pulley lagging, if it doesn’t have CN layer. (approx. 300 g/m2). Allow to dry 60-120 minutes. Max. drying time may not go beyond 24 hours. Apply the second coat to all bonding surfaces, allow to dry, till it is slightly tacky by checking with hand back (approx. 15–45 minutes).
- 2 coats are to be applied to the pulley surface and pulley lagging edges
- 2 coats are to be applied to the pulley lagging without CN-layer
- only 1 coat is to be applied to the pulley lagging with CN-layer
- if the second coat is too dry, apply a new coat
- if the lagging with CN-layer have been stored for a long time, buff the CN-layer
3. Joining
Mark a line across the pulley face using a chalk line or scriber, ensuring the line is parallel to the shaft’s centerline and square to the edge of the pulley. Install one strip of lagging, using the perpendicular line to assure the strip is square to the pulley. Working out from the center of the strip, use a dead blow rubber hammer for tamping to remove the air gaps, ensuring all surface area receives one hammer blow.
Allow to dry for at least 1 hour to let the joint reach 70% of adhesion strength. Trim lagging at an angle up and away from the pulley edge.